Our Solution

According to a report by HeathITAnalytics each hospitals have millons in losses of 1.7 million dollars for hospitals and even worse slowing down the processes the workflow inefficient,
which directly impants patient care

Our Competitors


(Puerto Rico)


Activation of a team of multiple professionals at seconds
Full integration with all departments
No handling of sensitive information
Replacing obsolete communication technologies (Speaker System, Beepers, Radios)
Automation of requests to all departments
Facilitation of efficient interdepartmental collaboration
Technology adapted to the specific needs of the hospital
Reduction of operational costs


For hospital administrators and staff seeking to improve the efficiency of their internal communications and optimize workflow processes, WAOK is the preferred technological solution. Our integrated communication platform enables them to automate and quickly request services from any department with just a few clicks, facilitating more efficient resource coordination and eliminating reliance on outdated communication technologies such as Beepers, Radios and Speakers System.

This allows hospitals to focus on what matters most saving lives, resulting in a significant improvement in both the quality of patient care and the overall customer experience, as well as considerable economic savings by reducing the annual losses faced due to inefficient internal communication systems.

Origin and Inspiration: The Story Behind WAOK

The acronym WAOK represents the bedrock of our platform, incorporating principles that are central to its operation and ethos.
Each letter stands for a key concept:

W for Workflow

Signifying our commitment to streamlining hospital operations.

A for Automation

Reflecting our dedication to implementing smart, automated solutions.

O for Optimization

Demonstrating our focus on refining processes for peak efficiency.

K for Kaizen

Our guiding philosophy that champions continuous improvement for the ultimate benefit of staff and patients alike.
These principles are woven into the very fabric of our technology, ensuring that WAOK is not just a name but a promise of evolution and excellence in hospital administration.
WAOK Hospital institutions improve their Workflow through Automation and Optimization
of processes using the Kaizen philosophy.


Provide innovative solutions that facilitate effective communication and collaboration, with the goal of saving lives.


Provide innovative solutions that facilitate effective communication and collaboration, with the goal of saving lives.

We guarantee improvement in all services

Escort Services


Nursing Supervisor

Security Services


Respiratory Therapy

"Welcome to WAOK! We redefine hospital administration with innovative services that optimize internal communication and workflow processes. Inspired by the Kaizen philosophy, we champion continuous improvement, offering solutions that elevate patient care and simplify daily operations.
Our Platform:Connects all hospital staff in an integrated network for the rapid automation of services. From escorts to maintenance and respiratory therapy, we manage everything efficiently with just a few clicks, enhancing communication and resource coordination.
Key Benefits: We transform hospital services, achieving significant economic savings and improving the quality of patient care. Our commitment extends beyond financial benefits, enriching the hospital experience and placing quality care at the heart of everything we do.
Efficiency and Optimization:Our platform boosts intrahospital efficiency, optimizes workflows, and improves interdepartmental communication, allowing staff to focus on what matters most patient care.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement:We constantly evolve to meet the current needs and anticipate future challenges of hospital management.
We Are Here for You:For more information or to begin your journey toward hospital optimization with WAOK, contact us. Our team is ready to provide the support necessary to ensure that implementing WAOK is a positive and transformative experience for your hospital.
Adopt WAOK and take your hospital's administration to the next level, where operational efficiency and
high-quality care go hand in hand."

Escort Services

Medicine Unit 1

Nursing Supervisor

Security Services


Respiratory Therapy